Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Out of my plateau!!

VSo I've been at a plateau at losing 70 pounds for a couple months and it was really getting to me! I went off weight watchers for a couple months and just started counting calories to see if that would work but...NOPE! I find that counting calories you just worry how many calories something has other than how nutritional it is for you. I would eat a reeses because it had as many calories as the strawberries I wanted. Yeah that's not the right way of thinking right? I started weight watchers again last Monday and I can say I'm officially out if my plateau and lost another 1.6 pounds :)! I jumped for joy! I need to keep reminding myself that it's the "non scale" victories that really matter. The number on the scale shouldn't determine how we feel about ourselves. I decided to take more measurements instead too so I wouldn't get so discouraged! 
The picture on the right is me 30 pounds down and the picture on the left is 70 pounds down! We got to document our progress with pictures abc measurements instead of the scale! Happy Tuesday everyone!! Thanks for listening!