Thursday, February 20, 2014

In a funk...

So my body has been in a funk the last month with weight watchers. I'm at the lowest points I can get a day so I think my body is too use to the routine. Yesterday I decided to use my fitness pal to count my calories for a few weeks. This is the caloric breakdown of my day and most the carbs are from fruit. It was an eye opener :)! I will be trying to eat less carbs now and see how this goes the next couple weeks :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Exercising and energy...

Since losing 64 pounds, I have had SO much more energy!! I try and go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I thought I was working out really hard at first and keeping my heart rate up but I was totally proven wrong when I got my polar heart rate monitor!
This thing is AMAZING and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to workout hard and know how many calories they're actually burning! And a plus is that if you're on WW you can track your activity points :)! I earned 14 points for this gym session!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Some questions people have asked me...

Some people ask me what I eat. I really still eat what I want to eat but it's all about portion control and substitutions. That's a really big reason why I love weight watchers is because I can still enjoy foods I love and not feel deprived. I think when people are "dieting" and feel deprived then that's what causes a binge. I haven't had a "binge" of something since being on WW because of the fact that I let myself eat those foods but just control my portions.
The "mug cake" above is an example of portion control :)! I satisfied my craving for chocolate cake without eating a whole bunch. It's called 3-2-1 cake. You take a box of angel food cake and then a box of a flavor of your choice (this one was with chocolate) and mix them in a zip lock bag. You then take 3 tablespoons of the new cake mix and put 2 tablespoons of water and mix and then put in the microwave for 1 minute. Then voila! it's the perfect size to satisfy a craving!
This picture is of a taco salad with turkey burger and then the other is a turkey burger patty. I eat mostly turkey burger now instead of ground beef because it's healthier and less points. The picture in the right looks like i put sour cream on top but it's actually plain greek yogurt. I use that instead of sour cream and creams in general because it's healthier :)!
I absolutely love pasta! I do still eat noodles but I eat whole wheat instead of white. I usually substitute spaghetti squash for noodles now though :)! I LOVE spaghetti squash! Just put whatever on top you would with pasta! You not only get a serving of vegetables in but it's A LOT less carbs :)! Oh and did I mention spaghetti squash is 0 points :)

When you're having a rough day...

I've had many days on this lifestyle change that I just wanted to give up because it was too hard. I kind of had a day like that yesterday a little bit. I wanted to eat everything in sight and just not having a good day can trigger that. The "old me" would give up on everything when it got hard, it didn't matter what it was I just wouldn't do it anymore if it was too hard. Well I know now that it's just all in a persons head. You can't give up when you have came so far. You just need to realize it was a set back and you need to make it a come back.
I look at this quote all the time when I'm having an off day and just want to quit! Isn't this quote the truth though! You need to remember why you started in the first place!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Here it goes :)

I'm Nicole and I wanted to start a blog about my journey to bettering myself and my lifestyle change. I've been on Weight Watcher's since April 2013. Since then I've lost 64 pounds! I can't even believe it myself. I had no idea how much determination I have inside me until this past year. It's crazy what wanting something so bad and actually doing it can do. I'm still a bit away from my goal I want to be but that doesn't matter to me as much anymore because it's called a journey and it takes time. You're suppose to enjoy journey's and I have been! I haven't felt this happy with myself in a very long time.

Back in high school I was at a weight that I was very comfortable with and felt good in my own skin. Along the way since then, I lost all motivation of wanting to take care of myself and frankly I just didn't care about me at all. Some things in my life happened, such as deaths in the family that really hit home and shattered not only my life but all my family's also. With that said, I turned to food and not wanting to do anything at all that had to do with bettering myself. I fell into a depression and ate my feelings and never wanted to exercise. I couldn't care less about what I looked like.

April 2013 I finally woke up one day and decided I hated who I was and I wasn't going to sit there and let me do this to myself anymore. Of course I've felt that in the past and wanted to change but I never followed through with anything because I wasn't determined enough. This day was different. I was done being the old me and I was willing to do anything to change who I was and being so depressed that I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. Who wants to be so disgusted of the person they've became that they can't even look at themselves? I've attempted Weight Watchers before, but like I mentioned earlier I lacked the determination. I decided to attempt it again because I knew it worked! I chose to join again because I needed the help and I didn't feel like I could do it on my own. It's been an awesome journey and I've never felt so good about myself and more proud of myself. I want to help and inspire others that have gone through the same thing and want to better themselves. If I can do it then anyone can!!

The picture on the left is me in April 2013 and the one on the right is recent :)